We decided to make a pinata as our teacher smashed a really cool one while she was away. We also wanted the chocolate and candy as I love lollies.
To get our design we went on to Google images and, after a great deal of scrolling, we discovered the perfect pinata ... an OWL. It looked so awesome we immediately said, "let's do this one."
After that we made a brainstorm to ensure that we had the skill level, resources and time available.
We got the balloon and co-co leader, David and his deputy, Damian started the long job of paper mache-ing. They kept dipping paper into glue and sticking it on ... until the balloon, as it dried, started to combust and combust and combust ... until it shriveled up like a hedgehog. So we decided to modify our plan. It is now not an owl but its a hedgehog. We stuck pointy bits of cardboard on until it resembled a hedgehog.
Zahn is proud of how he got the group working together well.
Lacey is proud of how our pinata looks and how its kinda turning out.
David is proud of how he and Damian worked together and got a lot done on the pinata.
Now it's time to paint.
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